Q1: What network and websites does relyft's AI cover?

A: Relyft for now covers more than 20 network integration and currently allows you to track top 1M websites according to Ahref. Our Scout AI can capture live audiences easily to provide some accurate results.

Q2: What languages and geographies does relyft cover?

A: Relyft supports more than 30 languages and can perform searches even for localities.

Q3: How can I improve my relyft searches?

A: You can view our video to help you perform the searches and take all the advantages of our platform.

Q4: How can I upgrade or downgrade my account?

A: You are always open to upgrade and downgrade your account from the next billing cycle, no questions asked.

Q5: How does Relyft know which accounts, websites, podcasts, and channels are popular with a given audience?

A: In order to successfully capture the audience, Relyft first "crawls" billions of distinct web pages, social media accounts, and individual pieces of content on social platforms. Next, it constructs a database by associating profiles and content with unique identifiers in real time. These are what we refer to as "profiles," and you can think of them as a compilation of the various web and social pages that belong to an individual person or organisation. The ability of Relyft to aggregate and present information is supported by these profiles, which are the platform's fundamental building block.

Q6: How many profiles does Relyft’s database contain?

A: We do not save any profiles in our database; instead, we crawl them as they are being updated.

Q7: What networks and websites does Relyft’s information cover?

A: Relyft’s coverage includes all publicly accessible websites that are connected/linked-to a social account in our database. We also specifically scan/crawl for social media profiles across the following networks: Facebook, Instagram, Github, LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Vimeo, Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Dribbble, Behance, Discord, Quora, Pocket, are some of the major network we scan. Plus in future we will also keep adding more sites.